I'm both a technologist and a writer. Most of the time, I'm writing for children and young adults. I learned this magical skill at VCFA, where I got my MFA in Creative Writing for Children and Young Adults in July '12.
I started out in tech back in the early 90's, when the web was brand-new. I "grew up" at CNN (and yes, I think Aaron Sorkin's Newsroom is brilliant) and was the Chief Technology Officer for several start-ups over the years. The latest of which is Figment.com, a website for teens who want to read, write, and share fiction. I love the energy of start-ups and likely always will. It attracts a rare breed of highly creative people from many disciplines.
I enjoy speaking about the future of digital storytelling and social media. I've given presentations to writers and developers on augmented reality, digital curation and virtual workshopping. I'm a digital optimist and I like to spread the enthusiasm.
As for books, I read everything. I love to write YA and middle grade, but I occasionally write for adults as well. My short story The Weeping Beech can be found in Chester County Fiction. My current work in progress is a time traveling middle grade novel set in Vermont.
If I'm not coding or writing, you can find me knitting or walking the woods with a hawk on my arm. Falconry is a passion of mine. I reside in Pennsylvania with my husband, daughter, our two cats Pickwick & Tink, and our newest family member, Merlin the puppy. I like to divide my time between home, Vermont and NYC.
image credit - Nina Pomeroy Photography